Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Year's Boots

The Christmas that Rachel was 3, my mother bought her cowboy boots. Rachel was insisted that they be purple. Who knew they had purple boots?? Well last year she had finally outgrown the purple boots and so my mom wanted to buy Rachel's new boots ... some may remember those - the 3 kinds of pink leather, the gem stones ... yes they were lovely - at least she is still little so they are cute!

Well we went out to buy this year's boots this past week - thanks mom! There were no discussions as to what the colour of this year's boots would be - please let her think brown SOMEDAY. We went to Wood's boots - and I have to say I am not sure that I have ever seen that many blingy things all together in one place! WOW. My spirits were lifted when Rachel took a look at a pair of brown boots - even with the embroidered flowers on the upper part of the boots - they were quite normal looking. But then she saw these ....

.... and let me tell you it was LOVE at first sight. We tried on one pair - too small, tried on the next - too big. And the size in the middle was nowhere to be found. She wandered around and looked at other boots, but her heart was set on the pink and white ones. All hail the sales clerk who took apart the store room to locate the perfect size for our girl. So here she is in the 2008 boots! Can you see the pink blingy belt there too?? Yup gems all around - she is SUCH a girl!

Also had to share this photo ... these houses are across the street from each other. Hopefully they are not too bitter in their rivalry ... only in Texas!!

xo Amy (if you are wondering where in the world my co-blogger is ... she is still Facebook-ing - go look her up - heehee)

1 comment:

Jennifer and Amy said...

LOVE those boots Miss Rachel. Soon enough you will be wearing crazy chocolate brown ones like me ;)

And those signs are too much! LOL!

xo, Jen