Saturday, January 3, 2009


2008 was not the easiest year for either part of the vanderkooi/Allred family! There have been some big UPS and some big DOWNS. BUT we have made it through and are relatively unscathed! We both had wonderful Christmases - I am sure Jennifer will share some of the pictures from her parents' visit to Fresno soon! We are both still putting the finishing touches on our December daily books and will post them soon!

Last year both Jennifer and I made the Daily Blessings books. I was sure that there was no way I would keep up with this BUT I did and I managed to write in this book almost everyday in 2008. However as Jennifer said - it was hard and once you missed one or two days it was hard to get back on track. So this year we are going to change it up a little bit. Jennifer challenged the girls at Peek to participate in a weekly Blessings book. I think this one will be WAY easier to keep up with - and it will give me an opportunity (and some space) to write a little bit more when I feel like it!

There are some BIG things coming for our families in 2009!

We will both celebrate our 10th anniversaries this summer! We both have brothers getting married in 2009 - mine in February and Jennifer's in July. Some big moves planned this year - some already in the works, others are hopefully coming! My sister's eldest - Rebecca - will be 10 in a few weeks! Jennifer and I will be doing some FUN scrappy things this year - so stay tuned - the best is yet to come!!

Happy New Year - with wishes of health and happiness for all our friends and family!



1 comment:

Deb said...

Happy New Year girls!!