Sunday, February 8, 2009

Half-Way to 70 ...

That is one of the birthday wishes that Jason got from a friend yesterday. His brother sent him a Facebook message that said "Only 30 years until Social Security Checks start coming".

Happy Birthday to my dear husband - 35 is not so bad. I just spent the last 9 months there and have had a great year! We celebrated the day with 2 basketball games that Rachel cheered at. Then Jason went golfing and had fun (although we won't ask his score). Rachel invited one of her classmates over to have a birthday party for Daddy.

Here they are helping him blow out his candles. They decorated this traditional cake for him - if there seems to be more sprinkles than cake that is because there is - they each had a bottle. I also made a delicious Chocolate Eclair cake that my friend Lisa posted about at Peek. If you are looking for a sweet treat THIS IS IT!


emelyn said...

Happy Birthday, Jason! I know the feeling...I'm almost a few more months! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday J!

BethieJ said...

Happy Birthday Jason!!
Rachel your cake looks BEAUTIFUL with those sprinkles I bet your daddy LOVED it!
Amy (and family!) have a WONDERFUL time!!