Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome Roxie!!

Yes, yes, this is the newest member of our family (seriously, what are Ken and I thinking?) This pretty kitty has adopted us and we officially call her ours today. We heard her for the last 5 days or so and on Saturday she started following Jackson around. He brought her in the house and said, much to my horror at the time, "look, mommy and daddy, this is my new kitty!" WHAT??!! We left her out on Saturday night, but every time we left the house she would come out to see us. She must have been abandoned at some point, but for whatever reason she has chosen my little guys to be her new best friends. I can't believe what she has already put up with! Yes Amy, Kaden is in kitty heaven, LOL! I don't think it will be too long before a Build A Bear costume makes its way to her furry little body. Reggie is not so happy about the newest addition, but she is just going to have to get a grip and call a truce. I am sure God sent this little creature to our family to love and care for.
How can you say no to this?


Anonymous said...

Jason thought you might name the cat Amy - rofl! Seriously cute Kaden faces - Rachel is very impressed that you have a kitty. Love that Reggie will have to call a truce!

Deb said...

Oh my goodness, how cute is that little kitty? Such sweet pictures! I would love to have a cat if I knew my dog wouldn't eat it!

emelyn said...

aww, look at Kaden! my kids are itchin' for a pet, too!! I think we might get one sooner then later, soo not ready for one.LOL!

cropaddict.com said...

oh how adorable is that!